If you're new to a jackpot site and wondering how you can win some skins from it, here's a basic guide for you!


- An extra 5% chance will be given for every new pot on our site. In order to get that extra 5% chance in the pot, we highly recommend you to quickly place your bet at the end of last round before the extra 5% goes into the other bettors hands! :)

- Do add * SkinsVault.com at the back of your steam name to get a 5% off commission on every pot you win!

- Always place a sufficient or a decent amount that you feel comfortable in each pot. Never go all-in!

- Watch out for big bettors who had placed their bets on the current pot, if you're a new bettor with limited amount of items in your inventory we suggest you to wait for other pots. Unless you're feeling lucky with the low % chance to win!


- If you have a big inventory to start off and you happen to see a pot with many small value skins, thinking that you should place high value skins to snipe them off, we recommend you not to! There's always a chance for bettors with low % chance in the current pot to win the skins off you, if you're unlucky that day!

- Don't trust anyone in the chat if someone ask you to merge your item with theirs to win the pot! Chances are they might be a scammer, unless it's someone you know real life or had trusted them for a long time. We will not hold responsibility if your items have been scammed by someone in the chat, the most we could do is to ban that bettor from our site!

Remember to bet wisely and wishing you best of luck! :)

SkinsVault Team